Wednesday, October 08, 2008


What does it take for the American people to get happy about McCain. I am so disappointed in people my age. After the debate they asked one 20 something who he thought won. His reply? "I thought Obama was better because McCain kept taking shots at Obama and it wasn't very nice" (not a direct quote but you get the point).
It's a debate you idiot. They are supposed to spar at each other. If guy my age was looking for scattered/vague answers...Obama gave you what you wanted. McCain was direct and very on point. I hope the American people can pull their head out of the sand and vote for the only candidate that knows what he's talking about. At least he nailed him on who is responsible for the housing screw up.

And to answer Obama's question...yes. I remember 911.

Somebody help us.


Anonymous said...

Right on Rachael!!!! I totally agree with you. KJ

kareng said...

don't get too discouraged...God knows who is putting in charge and it will be good...

Carroll said...

Preach on, my friend, preach on...

Carroll said...

And you know...I think if you look up "diarrhea of the mouth" in the dictionary, Obama's picture is there.

Diana said...

I am discouraged too Rachel. If it was only the 20somethings!! But heck no! My generation is eat up with Obama madness. He's dangerous and no one seems to know.
Anyone wanting a "NO OBAMA NATION" bumper sticker for their me and I'll get you as many as you can use.

Rachael said...

I actually got a complement on my "I already have a savior, I'm looking for a President" bumper sticker yesterday. I think we should do anything we can at this point to get people to wake up.

Hannah E. Carson said...

I'm with Karen. Don't get too discouraged. Obama's "Change" campaign AKA "I'm probably a terrorist" campaign is very frustrating considering how people eat it up, but we have to remember that God is sovereign regardless of the outcome. Just think about what's important in eternity and pray for those that may never see it.

Elizabeth said...

I agree, I'm not even old, and I can't stand to listen to him.

babyarnie said...

Personally I loved the "Sen. McCain things I'm green behind the ears" quote. That was classic.

Probably because of my "McCain because he's not a socialist" I got all the gas siphoned out of my tank the other day.... What a world.

But, the Lord puts them up and takes them down.