Monday, July 13, 2009

Stuff etc.

What is with the huge thunderstorm rolling through? I'm afraid to answer the phones here. Is is going to do this all day? I'm sending John a big box today the youth group at church got together. I went through it, and uh, it's pretty interesting stuff. We also added letters. Since I can't get him to read a book those will have to do. I have so much paperwork to do here at the office and an insurance auditor is coming tomorrow. Nothing is ready for him. At least I don't have to water trees at the barn today. One less thing. John, Noah has a lot of questions concerning farm equipment. It would be nice if you addressed some if not all of them. Martha resorted to making up words. It'll work for now but he's eventually going to find out his momma is full of it.

Michael Scott: Sir...! I placed a bunch of golden tickets into five seperate boxes and somehow they all ended up at Blue Cross. How did this happen?
Darryl: Were the boxes near each other?
Michael Scott: Irrelevant.
Darryl: I put three pallets on the truck to Blue Cross once a week. They use a lot of paper.
Michael Scott: Ok. I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be honest. What is a pallet.


the infamous john frederic said...

1. gonculator=throttle 2.gas and brake=left and right brake for sharp turns 3. i don't know=steering wheel adjustment 4. i couldn't see what the 2nd thing was, probably the gear shifter. yea, i need to get back soon

babyarnie said...

Well it's not my fault. I was always told it was a "gonculator". Sounded official to me.

Carroll said...

I particularly like that the key is dangling from the ignition the whole time...