I WENT ON VACATION! We took off last Friday and went to the mountains. It was awesome. I slept, and slept, and read books, and went to weird little shops and bought stuff (note: the wooden bear). I was able to skype John for about 9 seconds before a storm came over the mountain. It was actually cold up there. I guess the weather hasn't realized that it's summer yet. Perfect! I have two new baby kittens now. I caught the brother to Frederic. The girl I met at the vet never called me back about taking him so I'm stuck with a FLUFFY orange and white kitten named Tank. Tragedy struck, however, this weekend. My uncle informed me that a black cat was run over in front of my house on Saturday night (he always gets stuck burying my poor cats). He buried it before it could be identified. I have 4 black cats. Well, 3 and a half. One is a stray that comes and goes. I had to do inventory on everybody and we narrowed it down to 2. It could be Jake (the stray) or Peri. We were doing so well with cats lately too. But, it's almost impossible to keep a cat from roaming. Peri was my feral inside cat that we had to kick out because he liked to spray inside. It makes me sad but I'm glad that I didn't have to call John and tell him his beloved Dump was roadkill.
Quote of the Day: "I want to clamp Michael's face in a George Foreman grill." -Jim Halpert
Beautiful pics, Rach! I love the mountains!
Sorry to hear about the kitty. I think y'all need to have a "tomb of the unknown kitty."
i knew it wasn't dump, he's a survivor... and he's bow-legged, which helps.
That's how we knew it wasn't Dump. He came trotting across the yard and we said "Hey, there's bowlegged Dump!" It was a relief.
I love the pic of Mommy. I definately can tell she was getting the "plague".
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