I just got off the phone with Martha. She was in freak out mode and I can understand why. There is a lot going on in Washington that could have devastating effects on all of our lives and businesses. I would like to challenge everyone today to become more informed about some of the HUGE issues that we are facing.
Cap and Trade: "A cap-and-trade program is one in which a government or regulatory body first sets a limit or “cap” on the amount of environmental degradation or pollution permitted in a given area and then allows firms or individuals to trade permits or credits in order to meet the cap." -ecoagriculture.org
This foolishness is basically an extra tax on businesses that most businesses can't afford. Are you kidding me? They've been doing this kind of nonsense in Europe for awhile and finally the public seems to be waking up.
Universal Health Care: "Health care coverage for all eligible residents of a political region and often covers medical, dental and mental health care. These programs vary in their structure and funding mechanisms. Typically, most costs are met via a single-payer health care system or national health insurance, or else by compulsory regulated pluralist insurance (public, private or mutual) meeting certain regulated standards. Universal health care is implemented in all but one of the wealthy, industrialized countries, with the exception being the United States.[1][2] It is also provided in many developing countries and is the trend worldwide." -wikipedia
The White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was recently asked an interesting question,
Q The President actually told the AMA that "there are some countries where a single-payer system works pretty well." Do you know what countries he was referring to or what he was talking about?
MR. GIBBS: I don't know exactly the countries. I think you could -- I think if you talk to people in the countries that have those systems, they'd think their health care is pretty good.
Q Would you know specifically, though -- Canada, Britain --
MR. GIBBS: Canada, Britain, maybe France. I don't know the exact countries, but, again, I think -- I don't think the President is going way out on a limb that some people in other countries have a health care system that they like, just as Americans like the health care that they have.
Uh, Michael Scott answer. Please read up on what's going on with our country. I'm about to start firing off some very strongly worded letters to congressmen and whomever else has unfortunately provided the public with their email address. Please join me.
Rachael Out
i'm still upset that i'm considered an extremist and security risk because of my gun ownership and service to this nation...who would have ever put those two together.
Well, I think I will go ahead and get the healthcare....right after Barack and Michelle sign up!
and stupid taxes!
I thought we would get universal health care....
I hope not but it seems extremely likely...
Also...33 percent of kids now are high school drop outs...guess who is going to be paying for their health care? :D :D
THANK YOU! Somebody has to speak up and uncover these as Carroll would say "commie socialists"!
Don't be fooled. These people are not dumb. This is all very calculated.
I know that the Lord allows certain people in office but boy all this stuff sure makes it hard for one to pray for them. This just challenges me to pray harder for our leaders and this country.
Did he just say that "Americans LIKE the health care system they have?" Cause they don't. I don't. And Canada doesn't do it right. But Switzerland does. Idiot didn't even know that- sheesh. With this whole adoption process I'm learning a WHOLE lot about how blank and blank and blank etc our govt workers are. It might be treason to say those word but they weren't BAD words, I promise.
excellent post!
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