Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Let's Go Fishing

I've been wanting to post this for awhile. It is so much fun to watch Noah fish. He mostly reels them halfway in and runs around screaming that he caught one. Mike will put them in a buck of water so Noah can name them and then they turn them loose. So far all have survived. Even the one in this video. He names them all either Nemo or Dori. Go figure.

Quote of the Day: "No, Dwight. 'Respect.' R-E-S-PCEVEE-T. Find out what it means to me!" -Michael Scott


babyarnie said...

Well, Noah sure enjoyed that video. We've already watched it 11 times. No... we don't have an OCD problem ;)

Carroll said...

Ha ha ha...poor fish!

Let's play soon. I'm almost ready to eat a taco. A soft one...but still...