It took us about and hour last night to get everything together and labeled. Carroll, Mrs. Shirley, my mom and I got some stuff together to send to John and his guys. What I didn't eat we mailed to Iraq. It's some good stuff. Along with it we sent some items John requested. He constantly needs things like foot powder and I may or may not have sneaked some Lindor peanut butter things in there also. He'll get it just in time for it all to me squished and melted. But, we tried. I don't know about this whole converter box thing. If it rains it breaks up, if it's windy it breaks up, if it's sun shiny and a medium size bird flies over it breaks up. I miss old T.V.
Quote of the Day
Michael Scott:Our company is worth nothing. That's the difference between you and I. Business isn't about money to me, David. If tomorrow my company goes under I will just start another paper company. And then another and another and another. I have no shortage of company names.
David Wallace: Michael--
Michael Scott: That's one of 'em! Yes!
Looks like SOMEONE has a foot fungus problem.... uh hum... john.
Oh and as for the convertor box thingy.... For everyone out there who wants the Government to take over the healthcare system or any other system for that matter... I hope it works a little better than this bright idea.
Yes we did. We also enjoyed the aaaambience. It was fun.
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