Thursday, May 31, 2007

Heeere Kitty

So, who wants the calico. Or maybe the little black one. The black and white one can finally see. And, she drinks from a bottle. I don't quite know why all the males have been taken and all the females can't find homes. Perhaps it's the legend of Wommy the barn cat. They are all very cute...smelly but cute. In a few weeks they should be able to go to their new homes. I'm so tired of 3 am feedings.

In case you don't know, the momma cat was ferril and she died. We found them in a abandoned house almost dead. Now I can't shut them up and they escape from their cat box and roam around my room.

Rachael's Quote of the Day: "Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You'll realize this as soon as they are born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you."
-Ray Romano


babyarnie said...

Do not bring that cute babyarnie lookalike black and white kitty that is soooo cute here. I mean it. Do not leave it on my doorstep with a note.

Lydia said...

Hey, Martha, did you hear what Rachael said about 3am feedings (insert maniacal laughter here)...hmmm...I'm remembering 1am, 2am,3am,4am, and so on feedings! BTW- Rach- I LOVE the quote, it's so true!

Carroll said...

I think Martha is just trying to use reverse psychology... ; )

Elizabeth said... cute!!

Carroll said...

Um...I don't see my little gray boy on there. But then again...he's already got a home waiting (even if it isn't finished yet).

Rachael said...

Carroll, that's because you held him the whole time.

Joy said...

I want a kitty to come with me :-) If only...

Carroll said...

You can do it Joy! When Burt was in college, he lived in the dorm, and had a NO PET policy. There was a giant python, a dog, a few gerbils and mice, 2 cats, and a duck...just on his FLOOR!

Lydia said...

Umm...if the gerbil, mice, cats, and duck were in the same room as the python, I think we can assume they were the python's food.

Anonymous said...

So, I got your message about the spiders (I mailed Rach some dead brown recluses from my school)! I thought I'd warn you with my addressing technique "Attn: Spider Department." Then again, that'd mean you have to check the address on the front first. :-) I hope your throat feels better!
Also, I was in the car yesterday morning and was the one who told Matthew to honk at you!
Now, I am at the beach for the week.

Rachael said...

I heard Matthew honk!! Being that I'm so fond of spiders and all I had my dad remove them from my line of sight. IT FREAKED MY FREAK OUT!!