Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Fun

So, John got a new camera for Christmas, and I stole it. Just for a few minutes. Boy am I glad Christmas is over. It was great to see family and friends but I don't ever want presents or chocolate again. I would like some sleep and cough medicine. John came home sick and decided to spread it around a little. It's ok though. It was good to see him. Packing him up was much easier this time. Most of his stuff was already sent to where he is going. The last thing we did yesterday was shave his head. He was brave and let me try. I actually did a pretty decent job. He had to "fix" it a little when I was done. He won't let me post pictures of it. I think he's self conscious. I'll post them later (when my computer decides to work better).

Look at what he got me for Christmas...yes!

Quote of the Day: "I do not like pregnant women in my workspace. They are always complaining. I have varicose veins, too. I have swollen ankles; I’m constantly hungry. You think I don’t need to know the fastest way to the hospital?" -Stanley


Olive Wild said...

What is it?

Rachael said...

It's a garden glass ball that glows in the dark. He got me 3 of them. I already tried them!!!! They are awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you guys will be proud of me - we now have all 4 seasons of The Office on DVD!! We have watched about half of them - and yes, it grew on me. I realize now that I am a lot like Angela.....

83rocketscientist said...

Hey Rachael...I am looking forward to having one of your kitties!

Olive Wild said...

You have beautiful eyes, by the way :o)