Wednesday, October 07, 2009

What Happened Was....

I noticed the leg on the chair looked a little funny a few days ago. I forgot to tell my day. So when he sat down this happened. I think my mom laughed for a half hour. Lilly got her new shoes for the horse show. She was so proud of herself. I'm giving her and Cole today off. They have been working very well and deserve a day to go out and play. Plus, I hate keeping horses locked in stalls. Oh, I VOTED!!! And for the first time in a long time the guy I voted for a lot! And who says your vote doesn't count?

Quote of the Day:
"Jim is like, Big Bird. He is tall and yellow and very nice. But would I put him in charge? No. I don't think so. Big Bird doesn't make the tough decisions. If I was gonna put someone in charge I would put Bert in charge. Or I would put one of the real grown-ups in charge like Marie or Gordon, maybe." -Michael Scott


Carroll said...


That is awesome. I hope your dad didn't get hurt...

the infamous john frederic said...

i was leaning back in one of the cheap hadji chairs we have and broke the back off the other day, plus iraq is big on plastic lawn furniture chairs which get all contorted when we sit in them with all of our heavy gear on.

Anonymous said...

One reason this was so funny is that just before he sat down, I heard the words, 'I hate this chair.'
Famous last words. I don't think i've ever see a chair break quite like that before. it was a "you had to be there" moment, similar to my Superman flight out the back door.