The photo has nothing to do with the post but I just really like it. Today is bath day for the horses. Yesterday was clipping day. They really hate me right now. It's been too cold and nasty to ride them and I want them to have some time off before they get worn out at the show. I have hot water and John's barn and lots of blankets so they should be fine with a good scrub down. Lilly will be the problem with all the white she has. Cole at least is the color of dirt (easy). Someone is picking my show packet up today so that's one less thing to do. I wish John was able to go (hey look, now the photo applies). He's staying pretty busy and it's getting closer to their coming home date!! He's probably glad he doesn't have to deal with me and my horse show nerves. I have two other people showing for me on Saturday and that makes me more nervous than just me doing it. I may have to celebrate with a taco when it's all over. I've been too freaked out to even eat much. It should be a fun show even if we don't place in any of the classes. I'm just glad to be doing it again.
Quote of the Day: I've been studying Michael for years and I've condensed what I've learned into this chart. "How Michael Spends His Time." You can see we have "procrastinating," and "distracting others," and this tiny sliver here, is "critical thinking." I made it bigger. So that you could see it. -Jim Halpert
Horse show fever..... Well uGH, I have a fever so can I get out of the horse show??? JK! Break a leg.
I'll be there. With my camera. We wouldn't want John to miss anything, now, would we?
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