Saturday, February 17, 2007

Celtic Cole

Cole's ex-parents came over today. We watched videos of when Cole was younger and untrained. We laughed until we couldn't stand it anymore. He acted even worse than he does now! Hard to believe. Aari had her first experience with a "power float" yesterday. Her teeth were in pretty bad shape so I had a vet come to try to fix some issues. It was basically nothing more than a really tough file attached to a power drill. Yeah, not much fun. She should have an easier time chewing and processing food. Cole had his yearly round of shots...all muscle shots. He was having a hard time moving today. We knocked out a short ride and I just gave up. It's a bad idea to ride a horse who's too stiff to turn. After a long day of doing nothing I laid on the couch and ate everything at Taco Bell. I should be their spokes person.

Rachael's Quote of the Day: "Don't believe everything you think."


Carroll said...

I saw "Celtic Woman" on PBS as I was flipping this afternoon. I paused for one nanosecond...then went back to the infomercial for hits of the 80s.

Anonymous said...

Daddy just bought a new power drill today... I wouldn't let him near Dandy's mouth with that thing!

babyarnie said...

That Power Float is no joke. I couldn't believe it. It makes my trips to the dentist seem like a playground. (and Doritos rule)