Thursday, October 27, 2005

And Boy, Are Their Arms Tired!

Miranda (Rubberband) and Keithan (He who will make millions) have flown back home with their new cat toy for their child Oscar. What could possibly be better than a big stuffed cat with random dangly things attached that crunches when you walk on it...or...sleep in this case. I think we should take a few notes from this little kitty. He probably needs to go do some things around the house like fold clothes, wash dishes, cook supper. And, what is he doing? Taking a nap. Yes, he knows how to take advantage of the good things in life. Oscar, I salute you.

It was a sunny afternoon when Bob said to George, "Hey, George, why don't we get ourselves 2 horses? We could ride them in the summer and in the winter we could put them in the paddock behind the house." George thought it was a great idea, so the next day they went out and bought themselves 2 horses. They rode them in the summer, but when winter came George got worried. He said "Hey, Bob, how are we going to tell them apart next spring?" Bob said, "Well, I'll shave the mane off mine and you shave the tail off yours." This satisfied George, so he did. The next spring when they went back to get their horses they found the horses' hair had all grown back. Alarmed, George said, "Oh great, now how are we going to tell them apart?" and Bob said, "Well, you can have the black one and I'll take the white one."


babyarnie said...

I am the proud aunt of that little kitty. Can't you see the family resemblance??

Carroll said...

I wish I had a big furry cat blanket thingy to sleep on...I need a nap...

Joy said...

my horse is the purple one

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's most definitely the cutest orange kitty in the whole world! He still loves his toy and plays with it all the time!
And by the way, Hannah, he sure DID smell this morning after he walked through his poop in the litter box and made footprints all over the bathroom floor, sink, and bathtub. GROSS!!! That's why I'm thankful for Soft Scrub (and the fact that Keithan had condemned Oscar to the bathroom at 5am--just before he made his mark)!