Thursday, September 15, 2005

I Almost Forgot

FYI: Always check your bit before riding your horse. Especially if you plan on going fast. There is a remote possibility that while you are riding a horse through a field that when you pull back on the reins, fully expecting them to work, that your bit can snap in half causing a great deal of panic for you and your horse who doesn't understand why he is turning in circles while his rider is yelling for him to whoa. When you buy a bit, be prepared to spend some money. If you buy a cheap bit, take the money you saved and put it into an account designated for your hospital bills for when the bit breaks. This is a very personal topic considering the traumatic events experienced earlier this week.

Quote of the Day: "I don't know which is more discouraging, literature or chickens."
- E. B. White


Carroll said...

The chickens. Definitely the chickens.

Joy said...

i didn't hear about this one! i have to remember that when i go see dandy later today... hehehe
ps. about horses, do you need me to look after any this weekend?

Rachael said...

Thanks but Jimmy already said he could do it. He's going to be around on Saturday. Thanks again!!!

Anonymous said...

Chickens. Funny story about them - this past weekend Bobbie and I were at a "survival" weekend (learning how to build ourselves shelters and fires and stuff from things you can just find in the woods. The expert instructor could pretty much build a full amusement park out of weeds; it'll be a while 'til we're up to that level). Anyway, we had to kill a chicken for supper one night (I guess they're trying to teach us that missionaries need to be heartless, cruel people only concerned with how to fill their own tummies, which of course we all are), and Bobbie did the evil deed. She whacked it on the head to kill it, cut its head off, and gutted it. I got a pass since I have done it a bunch of times before. Of course, we revered its memory in a delicious chicken curry that night.

By the way, I love the blog. I hadn't thought of it before, but it's a great way for us to keep up with the happenings of the college/career group over here. Eat lots of fair food for us!


Rachael said...

Willard!! I'll put one of Martha's chickens in a box and mail it to you as a replacement. It's so good to hear from ya'll. Yes, keep in touch through the blog. That would be awesome. If ya'll happen to get photo just send me some and I can post them here. Let us know if ya'll need anything.

Are you speaking English yet? Don't let them english people take the Southern of of ya.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael. Can I find any information on here? My friend said to check out I Almost Forgot for information on old bills but this does not seem like the most relevant of blogs. I like cruzing through your site but maybe search engines might have more information. Need to come back later though...great blogs!

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! Twain scanner barcode ocx thumbnails Isdn error 791 12move

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work »