Thursday, June 23, 2005

Survival of the Lucky

I'm glad to see everyone lived through the not so big thunderstorm at the pool party last night. There is nothing better than cramming 15 people on a porch stocked with food. I love our group. I'm glad we all get along so well. Hope everyone had a great time. If I can get photos from Bobby I'll try to post some. I might have to draw in more clothes on some people so I don't get hate mail. If anyone has any good pictures (hm...that I can alter) let me have 'em. Just send them to my email.

Rachael's Quote of the Day: "Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally."
-Soviet infantry manual, issued in the 1930's


Crew Koos said...
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babyarnie said...

The pool party was fun, if not a little freezing. So the pressure is of now- we have officially seen every one in our bathing suits. Oh the horrors!!
Oh well, you got to watch people that have it too together and perfect.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm tired of people saying that I'm "perfect" and that I "have it all together" just because I am the very essence of manliness! Beautiful people like myself have problems, too. For instance, do you know how hard it is to have every woman I know secretly in love with me? Very frustrating, let me assure you.

Rachael said...

They call you "Ricco Suave."

Joy said...

I missed the "freezing" part for soccer, but instead of hyperthermia I got big welts :) Miss you all - see you soon when I get back.