Well, I should have been in bed hours ago...but here I sit. Hannah sent me this photo. Red Sonja was one of my heroes when I was little. Yes, I grew up and got over it, but, it's still one of my favorite movies. That should serve as a warning to all those who don't know me. My other friends learned a valuable lesson when I made them watch Legend this weekend. But, it's nothin' some cheese puffs and Chinese food won't fix.
I really need some down time but a horse show next weekend will put and end to that. If anyone wants to go in my place you are more than welcome. These days Cole doesn't pay much attention to me anyway. He'll never know the difference. Oh, and further update on the chicken situation: she went back in the chicken pen today with all the others. Only one of the others tried to pick on her but Betty handled herself quite well (the chicken almost got hers) so all is well in the hen house.
Ok, Rachael's inspiration of the day: Never follow. Always lead. If something doesn't quite feel right...it probably isn't. If something looks strange to you....just think how it might look to others.
"Thou must me like a promontory of the sea, against which, though the waves beat continually, yet it both itself stands, and about it are those swelling waves stilled and quieted."
-Marcus Aurelius
Wow Rach, I sure remembered you as hotter than that picture. You should fire your photographer! (did I hear you mention a horse show?)
I cannot even begin to describe how disturbing that picture is.
Joy....come with....It's about 2...mmm...2&1/2 hours from here. It'll be a late night but it should be pretty fun. We leave Saturday afternoon sometime and get back late Sat. night. Just let me know!!!
yep...you know who your real friends are if they keep talking to you after watching Legend...
Speaking of childhood movies...Have you noticed who is playing Batman in the movie, Batman Begins? It's none other than one of the Newsies! Nobody else aroud here has seen that movie, so they have no clue why I'm so excited about it! Sorry I can't remember his name, but I'm sure you'd be disappointed (if you don't already) if I didn't tell you.
Hey. Yes, we are so excited to see Batman. We saw a preview at the last movie we went to. It looks really good. Come down and go with us to watch it:)
Ok Ya'll. Legend was a fantastic movie filled with thrills and strange looking little hobbit people with wierd voices. What more could you possible want in a movie....the monster in the lake was a little overboard but other than that......
Was there a monster in a lake? I think I missed that. Or maybe my subconscious (sp?) is blocking. I was never really a Christian Bale fan...always thought David was cute...and the guy with dark curly hair that was mainly a dancer...
Yeah, I always liked Blink. The one with the eye patch. He was my favorite. Oh yeah, and Spot Collins. We need a Newsies night.
I think your REAL friends are the ones who still like you after watching a movie like "When Dragons Attack" or whatever the heck that movie was called. I'm still waiting for you to dress up like some B-movie medieval wench and wave your hands in the air above our table while we eat. Then I'll know I really am royalty.
A pair of new shoes with matchin' laces!!
you kinda look like the dancing wench in your red sonja outfit. by the way legend SUCKED!!! but i'll still be friends tommy
A porcelin tub with boilin' water...
"Uptown to grand central station...down to city hall....we improves our circulation....walkin' till we faaaaaaaaaal...."
Okay, Keithan sits here looking at me like I'm crazy as I sing Newsie songs to him--little does he know that he will soon no longer be an ignoramous about the beloved Newsies! He'll have the songs running through his head for days and days and days.... Lucky Keithan!!!!
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