Sunday, March 06, 2005

Unitas Mirabile Vinculum

The Wonderful Bond Of Unity
Katie, Joy, Hannah and I just got back from a much needed girls night out. Well, it was originally supposed to include guys, but we just couldn't seem to talk any of them into seeing Finding Neverland. Their loss. The movie was great. It was a serious tear jerker, and by the end of the movie I had tears and makeup flying everywhere. I'm glad I didn't watch it by myself or it would have been a sob fest. So, those of you who didn't missed your one chance of seeing me cry like a dork in public. I declare that from now on we have a scheduled girls night out at least once a month. Who else can you go see a good girl movie with then eat at McDonalds while acting out movie scenes and attempting to predict Joy's future. (That's what you get when you order a Happy Meal around us...we show no mercy.) "A good time was had by all."
*****To those we missed, we'll get ya next time:)

-Photo by Hannah


Joy said...

Lady Raven says Rachel will...

Anonymous said...

Ick. Can't believe you watched that movie, when the police found neverland a long time ago. The owner's on trial right now!

Rachael said...


no no. Johnny Depp and MJ are two different folks. Give ole Johnny a little credit here. Good movie. You should take your woman to see it.