I don't have any Cole/Lilly pics on this computer so this one has nothing to do with my post. I'm off to the horse show...at about 6:00 tonight. This will be Cole's millionth show and Lilly's 3rd. Both are going with minor injuries. Nothing that causes them any pain but superficial stuff. We don't actually show until this weekend but I need to get them settled in their stalls and pick up my show packet. I got an email from the show managers saying that entries are low this year (good for us) but I'm not sure what to expect. Several of our classes are almost back to back...switching English and Western saddles and clothes. Plus, it's supposed to storm. Good times!
Quote of the Day: "This is awkward to talk about but there may or may not be but definitely is a mutiny forming in the warehouse right now." -Jim Halpert
I am sure you all will be great! Praying for good weather, esp as you drive!
Woo hoo! You know I live for quick changes backstage. Horse shows are just like theater with EVEN MORE drama, right?
I thought "minor" injuries are the rule not the exception to these shows :-) Miss going to shows with you, I know you'll do great!
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