Thursday, September 18, 2008

Colin and Will Go To Town

Colin and Will Farel had their appointment with the mobile neuter clinic this morning. They were not excited to go. My poor babies weren't the only ones to go. Martha took General (otherwise known as Weoweoweo and I took Iggy for Katie and Justin). We looked cool dragging 15 cat carriers that smell like farm to the clinic. Colin and Will are now upstairs in my room, groggy and confused and being visited by Ruby. They will be staying in the house for a few days to recover. I might kick them out tomorrow if they tear up my room. But, I heart them and want them to be ok. I am not able to show my horse at the state fair this year because of scheduling conflicts so I'm entering the photo contest with Martha instead. Everybody needs to go check out the photography contest and cheer us on. It won't do any good because they'll already be judged but go cheer anyway. I won't think you're crazy.

Quote of the Day: "Did I do this for me? No. I did this, for the little guy. For Joe six pack. The guy who wakes up every morning in his four hundred dollar a month apartment, wonders how he's gonna pay his mortgage that month. Wonders how he's gonna fill his car up, with oil. Wonders how am I gonna pay my kids' orphanage bills. That guy, shouldn't have to wonder where he's gonna park." -Andy Bernard (The Office)


babyarnie said...

Oh what a fiasco! I love that cartoon. It's just like a stupid cat to scream to come in and once you open the door they just stand there like "hmmmm, do I really want to go in". Contrary as a cat I say!

Carroll said...

Whoever does those cartoons is a genius. I DIED laughing! And what do you have to do to enter a pic? I want to put one in...

83rocketscientist said...

For your horse picture....were you in the picture with your horse? Remember how you said you won that horse competition you talked about last Wed?

Anonymous said...

what a great cartoon! that artist really gets felines!

Rachael said...


Yes, I was in the picture. Well, sort of.