Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Honesty 101

Ok, so ten things...But, what if I don't have 10 things...

1. I'm getting married in few weeks and I'm scared. Mostly of having to run a house and having to not cook nasty food.

2. I eat burritos for breakfast...with hot sauce. (refer to honesty question #1)

3. I have kept most of my stuffed animals from childhood and they now reside in John's attic.

4. I like "Parks and Rec" better than "The Office."

5. I am WAY more competitive showing horses than I let on. I like to eat professionally trained horses for breakfast!

6. My hearing in my broke ear is getting worse. I make up for it by nodding and smiling. Maybe I should get chalk and a piece of slate.

7. I am afraid to have children. Labor mostly. Anything I can't put out to pasture and walk away from for the evening scares me.

8. My favorite day was the day John left for Iraq. Not like it sounds! It was the most meaningful day we have ever spent together.

9. I love living at home with my parents. I'll miss my left corner of the couch.

10. I think American Idol is stupid...yet...I continue to watch it...


Lydia said...

Parks and Rec makes me laugh- a lot. And you will learn to be a great cook. I couldn't even boil water (very serious) when Rich married me. I still have problems with boiling eggs:)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't touch raw meat when Brian and I got married(very serious too) :) And when he asked me to make him his first cup of coffe I asked him how much does he like in the filter? He said, 2 cups, so I litterally put 2 Cups of coffee. lol He meant 2 tablespoons, But he said 2 Cups!
:-) Hope that helps :) Crystal Haynes

Carroll said...

It'll be OK. Shirley usually has supper on the table at 6:00...

Wandering Family said...

I miss stealing your Dad's chair whenever he wasn't there while you were on that left seat of the couch.

It doesn't seem like that long ago, does it? Hard to believe that was like 10 years ago now!

babyarnie said...

Oh Rach... you'll be fine. Just ask Mike about the time I cooked a whole chicken for 6 hours straight and it still didn't cook. He asked me if I had remembered to take out the insides. The insides of what I replied. I didn't know you had to remove the innards of the chicken. Talk about being in tears! Oh well, We somehow still managed to gain 20lbs my first year of marriage. As for the children thing...... BE VERY AFRAID! ;)

Anonymous said...

Martha, that's funny. :) Crystal

Anonymous said...

Rachael - - - labor is the LEAST worrisome/bothersome/horrible part of the whole thing. That's why God invented the epidural - I felt NOTHING. And LOOK AT TYLER. He is gorgeous. What a blessing.

As for the cooking, get a good cookbook and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

As for the managing a household - good luck. I'm still working on that. I LOVE YOU!!!!!