Friday, July 21, 2006

Where's Noah?

So, we're in Nashville and this crazy guy named Keithan wanted to have a contest with pregnant Martha. Can you guess which belly Noah lives in? The winner gets a melted popsicle.

p.s.- The plane was delayed over an hour yesterday thanks to weather in Chicago. Thought we'd never get here. The best part was Martha "freaking out" when the plane landed (a little rough). Nothing like a pregnant lady with a death grip screaming "Is this normal? Is this normal?"

We went to the Country Music Hall of Fame and bought a lot of stuff. It was great. I'll give you an update on what we do tomorrow...well...tomorrow.

Ok...Time to Guess......


Lydia said...

My left... Hey, is Noah the name they decided on? It's a GREAT name! Hope y'all are having a fabulous time!
Martha is too cute...Thanks the Lord I didn't have to sit next to her on the plane, though. I'm too easy to freak out and there'd have been TWO women freaking and soon half the plane...

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

Bigger belly DEFINITELY Martha's.

Carroll said...

Nope...I agree with the girls. Noah lives in the left belly.

If you really want to act like a bunch of hicks in Nashville, go to music row, and walk into any studio, and start asking the receptionist if they know Reba McEntire. (I am ashamed to say that I was once with a group that did that...but we found several people who knew her...)

Carroll said...

OH - and tell your cuz to update the blog...we want to see how the house is coming!

Goingintoalltheworld said...

Yeah, I also gotta go with the smaller, cuter belly on the left.

Somehow, I have trouble picturing Martha freaking out over something minor. She always tends to remain calm no matter how ... ha! Sorry, I couldn't even type a straight face for that one. But you know I love you, right Marth?

Anonymous said...

i think the contest should have been b/w miranda and martha... not keithan

Rachael said...

Yes you are all mostly right. The one on the left is martha's.

Anonymous said...

Noah is on the left...Kathy

Elizabeth said...

I think that they are all they deserve a melted popsicle

Anonymous said...

who wants melted icecream!

I DO I DO!!!