Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Leaving...on a jet plane...


Well, VBS is over. I guess the only thing left to do is leave town. Martha and I will be winging our way to Nashville Thursday evening. It's gonna be fun. I wish I could bring Claude. But, he said he doesn't want to fly to the Country Music Capitol of the World in the belly of an aircraft. I'll bring everybody back something...or not...either way I'll be thinking about ya'll. Someone look after my stuff for me. Oh, and my truck needs to be cleaned out. Somebody do that too. And don't forget Cole. He needs his medication 2x a day. You can use the ziplock bag and the wooden oar for the boat to squish up the pills but you have to mix it in maple syrup or honey so he'll eat it. But, knock the ants off the feed scoop first because I don't think he wants to eat them too. So, I'll see ya.


Joy said...

i hope you all have a lot of fun! if you need me to feed, i'd be more than happy to.

Carroll said...

Claude wants to go see his cousin Oscar. But he can come stay with his sissy if you think he'll be bored. Be sure and go to the Wild Horse Saloon...it's lots of fun!

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

#1 What does the pictue of the nebula have to do with leaving on a jet plane? Now, if you were leaving on a space plane, then maybe...

#2 Who can tell me the name of that nebula? (Ask Kimberly. She can probably tell you as I made her memorize most of the specially named nebula and galaxies as she saw them in each month's issue of Astronomy that I get)

#3 Bring me back some long-distance Taco Bell...any burrito of your choice...

Rachael said...


#1, because I felt like it.

#2, I named it Earl.

#3, I just ate Taco Bell and then a frosty from Wendy's. But, I'll mail you a taco from Nashville.

Goingintoalltheworld said...

Y'all do not understand how much I miss things like getting your meal at Taco Bell and then going over to Wendy's for the Frosty for dessert! Eating out here costs a fortune, and you'd never be able to afford two restaurants in one night. A Nacho Bell Grande, a Chalupa, and a Frosty all for $3.50?!? I cannot wait!

Oh, and by the way, when are you getting back?

PS - to Rich's 2nd question, it's depressing how little of a life I have, but, anyway ... Though I don't know the name of the particular nebula in question, I would argue that this photo is of diffuse nebulae caused by the transposition of a dark nebula over an emmission nebula. It shore is purty! And before you make fun of me for being a dork, you have to remember how Hannah corrected me on the location of a Renaissance painting in my blog - and was right! Link - http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=16837098&postID=113147462667457503

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

Your name for the nebula is wrong. Oh so wrong. And who would give a nebula a red-neck name like Earl anyways?

I shan't wait for a taco from Nashville since I specifically asked for a BURRITO (trying to cheap out on me)!

Yes, I see that you are indeed quite the dork ;-) "transposition"? Transposition? And yes, this nebula is a diffuse emmision type glowing red due to hydrogen and the ionization of said gas by the hot central star. Also visible in photographs or larger telescopes are the dark dust lanes which block some of the light giving this nebula its unique character. Further examination will also reveal a separate reflection nebula which is cut off in Rachael's butchered photo thereby doing all of us a great disservice in denying the full beauty to be admired...

OK, let's have some more posts with astronomical content in them!

Lydia said...

Ok, you guys are SUCH kroddy dorks(krod is dork spelled backwards, therefore an even WORSE dork)! As long as it's beautiful and the right ONE gets the glory, who cares what it's called?

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

> who cares what it's called?

All hail my very postmodern wife.

You see, Lydia, there is this thing you might have heard of and it's called truth...

Richpo - husband to Fuquay's biggest krod

babyarnie said...

I can just feel the love.

Richpo the Unmagnificent said...

Yeah, it's just oozing out all over the place, ya know?

Goingintoalltheworld said...

I got confused about four posts ago, but I can sense a little hostility in the Wells household.

Also, I like the name Earl, even for a nebula, whatever kind it is. Maybe Earl can be the middle name for our new baby. I'm thinking "Rufus Earl."

babyarnie said...

I'm thinking no.

Anonymous said...

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