Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Something Funny

A few days ago I was having a bad day. Aaaand, when you're having a bad day you can always find something funny on youtube. Off I trotted to the internet and found this...

I laughed so much it hurt. Not so much at the model, but just listen to the anchorman. Our horse barn is beginning to fill up...slowly. It's a good thing because it takes me a while to remember the new names off horse/owner. I usually make up my own name for them anyways. I'll stop typing now because the video is worth watching 1,000 times.


babyarnie said...

Oh I am so glad somebody else laughs uncontrollably when somebody falls. Nothing personal.... I laugh at myself too. Quite a bit. :)

Carroll said...

HAHA! I needed something to laugh at!

Olive Wild said...

HA HA HA!!!! I was actually looking for Simon's Cat. So glad you posted that! Reminds me of Bob Nelson on Bananas. TOO Funny!