I went to a horse show and all I got was a urinary tract infection. It was one of the sorriest shows I've been to...ever. I took John and a friend of mine to help show. The person who inspects the horses before we show almost failed Cole because she measured his shoes wrong. Another inspector came up and had to educate her on how to measure. Apparently she was new. I should have loaded my little horses up and left then but NAY I continued like a dummy. The judge hated Cole. I wasn't surprised until I saw the video. My horse looked good! She wouldn't give him higher than last place. I was expecting Lilly to do MUCH better. She has been lately. The judge wouldn't place her at all. We decided to leave after my last class and not come back the next day. Well, the last class sealed the deal for us. Four horses in the class, she called our number as first place. No way. I knew something was wrong. I slowly made my way to the ribbon girl when I saw the judge talking to the announcer. I pulled back into the line up. The announcer said, "I'm sorry, we have them backwards. The first place winner is..." me again. I didn't move. She apologized again. Then she announced I was the winner. It got ridiculous. Nobody knew what to do. I got last. As soon as the class was over we made our move. We scratched all our classes and got our money back. The lady in the show office tried to convince us to stay. I won't be giving money to that organization anymore. Every show I have been to affiliated with the National Walking Horse Association has been a dismal failure. I shall waste my money (John's money) elsewhere. Another show coming up this weekend. Hopefully my medication has kicked in by then.
p.s.- John was a good sport. He even took video of all of my classes and yelled when I didn't win. I'll post some of that soon!
Quote of the Day: "Just once, I would like to be a puppet master and have nothing go wrong. Is that too much to ask?" -Dwight Schrute